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Microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download.Publisher 2013 Quick Start Guide

  無料オフィスソフトであり、Microsoft Office(Word、Excel、PowerPoint)の代替 Microsoft Publisher (*.pub) * Microsoft Visio (*.vdx; 含まれない    


PPT – Publisher Lesson 1 Publisher Basics PowerPoint presentation | free to view - id: 33df0-ZjY4O.Search results for '' -


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You can change your ad preferences anytime. MS Publisher Tutorial. Upcoming SlideShare. Like this document? Why not share! Embed Size px.

Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Like Liked. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Show More. Downlod Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. MS Publisher Tutorial 1. Each skill we learn in the flyer will be of use in the brochure. The flyer and brochure techniques will also be used in the newsletter. Your abilities will grow from publication to publication.

To load the Microsoft Publisher program, Double click on the Publisher icon on the main Windows screen, or click-on Start in punlisher lower left corner of the screen, then click-on Programs, and then click on Microsoft Publisher You should now be in the Microsoft Publisher main screen. On the center microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download your screen you should micrsoft the view below.

On the left side of the screen you will see the Microsoft Publisher Task Pane like the image on the right. It replaces the Microsoft Publisher Ddownload that was a part of the initial Publisher screen. On the right side of the screen you will 10 pro vs education reddit the Recent Нажмите для деталей Task Microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download like the image below.

This is fdee handy if you want to return to a publication and make some changes. All you have to do is click the publication and больше информации will open. In this tutorial, whenever we indicate that you need to click a mouse button, it will mean посмотреть еще click microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download left mouse button — unless we indicate that you should click the right mouse button.

On the right side of the screen you will now see Flyer template design styles for a microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download of different Flyers Accent Box, Arcs, etc. Also notice that as you come to a new style that frew will be highlighted in orange. Notice, when you click, a number of different types doenload brochures appear below the brochure selection Informational, Price List, Event, etc. Use the elevator bar on the right of the Brochures area, which now appears, to view the various types of brochures.

While you are doing this, notice the differences between microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download various types of brochures. When you have viewed brochures, to your satisfaction, click-on Newsletters in the Microsoft Publisher Task Pane as you did for Brochures and Flyers.

Notice again, there are several different types of Newsletters. Use the elevator bar on the right of Newsletters to move down the various Newsletter styles. Now, proceed down the Publication Types list and click-on any of the publications in which you are interested — Postcards, Business Cards, Calendars, Award Certificates, Paper Airplanes — whatever you want to look at.

Creating a Flyer As indicated, at the beginning of the tutorial, we think the Flyer is the easiest publication on which to begin. So, click on micrsoft Flyers category under Puhlisher Microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download on the left of the screen. Your screen should look like the image below. It is the one above on the right arrow.

Point dlwnload the Arcs Informational Flyer and click-on it. A preview will appear, on перейти right side of your screen. This indicates that you have selected the Arcs flyer. To work больше информации the Arcs flyer, double click twice quickly on Arcs.

The screen will change and you will see the Arc Flyer enlarged on the right side of the screen image at the top of the next page.

Since this is the first time that you have used Publisheryou will need to change the default information to your information. As shown in the image on the right, click the Edit Tab in the Menu Bar and a drop down menu will appear.

Notice, at the bottom publsher the menu, a Micrsooft Information dowbload. If you have used previous versions of Publisher you will notice that the Personal Information Menu screen has been replaced by the Business Information Menu below.

To get started, click the Edit frree. Go ahead and enter your information, dowbload some fun information, if you desire — you can come microsofg and edit or remove information later — pot need be.

Notice we changed the Business Information set name from Custom 1 to something more logical for us. When you have finished entering your information, click the Save button. Your updated Business Information menu screen should look similar to the image below. If you see any mistakes, click the Edit button. If everything is OK, click the Update Publication button. Notice that the menu screen closes and all microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download the information you entered is now shown in the Flyer!

Notice that the Flyer Options selection indicates that we have chosen Arcs— since that is the Flyer Design we selected. Also notice, that you can change the Page size on with Flyer Options as well. Next click-on the Page Options selection. Notice, on our Flyer, we already have a Logo like the one on the right.

Use the elevator bar on the right side of tutorjal Task Pane to move up and down the Suggested Objects area. As you move, click several of the objects. In the Button Bar, below the Menu Bar, there is a little, blue circular arrow. This is the undo button. We sure did — many times. Go ahead and remove all of the objects you placed in the middle of your Flyer. Use frer elevator bar on the right side of the Task Pane to move up and down the Apply a color scheme area.

As you move, click-on several of the color schemes. As you select the different Color Schemes, you will notice that pubpisher Flyer template on the right changes its Color Scheme to the one you selected in Apply a color scheme on the left. You choose a Color Scheme that you like. You can come back and change it any time you desire.

Next, click-on Font Schemes. The Font Schemes Task Pane at the left will appear. Use the elevator bar on the right of the Font Schemes увидеть больше to select a font that you like. Now return to the Flyer Options Task Pane 9 Either method will bring you to the Save As screen below. When you decide on a drive on which to savename your file and click-on Save. You can close the Flyer Options Task Pane — and make it appear ttutorial any time you desire.

Your Format Publication Task Pane will again appear on the left. You can close and open this pane anytime. Editing the Flyer Take few minutes and look at the Flyer. At the current time you нажмите для деталей able to view the entire flyer. This tells you the size of microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download Flyer microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download are viewing. You'll find, as we continue through this tutorial in Microsoft Publisherthat it will really microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download microsogt to view entire Pages in the Flyer, Brochure and Newsletter.

Editing Titles Notice the title area at страница top. Move your cursor over the title object and click-the left mouse button on the title object. Click-on tutkrial Title Note: whenever we indicate that you are to click-on an object in a publication, this means to click-the left mouse button. Zoom-in and Zoom-out You will tutodial, when you click-on microsoft publisher 2013 tutorial ppt free download title, small circles appear on 2k14 free pc four corners and four sides of the Title area.


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